Billy Bob Thornton
Born: Aug 4, 1955
Billy Bob Thornton was born in Hot Springs, Arkansas on August 4, 1955 to Billy Ray (educator, coach; deceased) and Virginia (psychic). He has two younger brothers, Jimmy Don, born in 1958 and now deceased, and John David, born in 1969. He has been married 5 times and has 3 children: daughter Amanda (with Gatlin); sons William and Harry (both with Cherniak). Billy Bob began his artistic career as a musician, playing drums and singing in a band called Tres Hombres, which once opened for 'Hank Williams, Jr' . In 1981, he moved to Los Angeles with childhood friend Tom Epperson to pursue an acting and writing career. On the side, Billy Bob also sought work as a singer and drummer. He and Epperson tried for years to sell their scripts but no one was buying. During those rough times, Billy Bob neglected his health and subsequently landed in the hospital with heart problems due to malnutrition. In 1992, Billy Bob starred in One False Move, a movie he co-wrote with Epperson.
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