Brad Davis
Born: Nov 6, 1949
Intense actor who is best remembered for his film debut as Billy Hayes, the American incarcerated for drug smuggling in Alan Parker's harrowing Midnight Express (1978). He followed as a 1960s Harvard student in the weak A Small Circle of Friends (1980), a small role as an Olympic runner in the Oscar-winning Chariots of Fire (1981), and as a gay sailor in Fassbinder's last film, Querelle (1982), but never achieved the success his impressive debut seemed to promise. His later credits include Cold Steel, Heart (both 1987), the very amusing Rosalie Goes Shopping (1989), and Hangfire (1991), as well as the TV miniseries "Robert Kennedy and His Times" (1985), and the telefilms Sybil (1976), A Rumor of War (1980), Robert Altman's production The Caine Mutiny Court-Martial (1988, as Queeg), and The Habitation of Dragons (1992), his last work before his death of complications of AIDS. Before he died, Davis wrote a book proposal (later published) that attacked the Hollywood community for its attitude in dealing with AIDS victims.
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