Chris Potter
Born: Aug 23, 1960
Chris Potter was born in Toronto and raised in London, Ontario, Canada. His mother, a former singer on Canadian radio and television, involved him as a child in community theatre. His father, a former pro-football player who later coached the Western Mustangs (one of Canada's top university football teams), encouraged his passion for hockey and baseball as well as football.
After college, he held a variety of jobs, from working on an oil rig in the Beaufort Sea in the Artic Ocean, "as far north as you can get without sitting on a pole", to playing in a rock band. He eventually got a job selling group health insurance for his father's firm, 'London Life'. Throughout his myriad jobs, Potter stayed active in community theatre groups in his hometown of London, Ontario. One play drew Martha Henry one of Canada's leading actresses, to the audience. She suggested that Potter try making acting his career, and cast him in a play she was producing, the Candadian production of Neil Simon's Biloxi Blues, at the Grand Theatre in London, Ontario. His performance generated positive reviews. One month later, Potter landed a role in the popular Canadian TV comedy, Material Worlds. During the three years he starred in the series, his career took off. He guest starred in a number of American television series, including Counterstrike, The Hidden Room and Top Cops.
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