Eddie Murphy
Born: Apr 3, 1961
Eddie Murphy was born in Brooklyn, New York, on April 3,1961. Murphy's father died when he was quite young, and he was raised by his mother, a telephone company employee, and his stepfather, a foreman at a Breyer's Ice Cream plant, along with his brother and step-brother. His comic talent was evident from an early age, and by 15 he was writing and performing his own routines at youth centers and local bars, as well as at the Roosevelt High School auditorium. . He attended Nassau Community College in Garden City, New York before beginning his acting career. Eventually, Murphy made it to a Manhattan showcase, The Comic Strip. The club's co-owners, Robert Wachs and Richard Tienken, were so impressed with Murphy's ability that they agreed to manage his career. Wachs and Tienken succeeded in getting Murphy an audition for the new cast of "Saturday Night Live." Murphy was eventually signed as a featured player- he was 19, but by the end of the first season of the new show, he had moved up to star status. He has a trade mark laugh. He is married to Nicole Mitchell, and they have 4 children together.
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