Eric Dane
Eric Dane was born in San Francisco, California, USA. He was a good athlete in high school. There, he started amateur stage work by playing "Joe Keller" in Arthur Miller's "All My Sons", and realized that this was all he wanted to do. He moved to Los Angeles and made his television debut in 1993 on The Wonder Years. In his early career, he also played bit parts on the TV series Married with Children (1995), Silk Stalkings (1996) and Roseanne (1996). Dane played medical doctors more that once, first appearing as a "Dr. Cooper" in Gideon's Crossing. From 2003-2004, he has been a recurrent guest star as "Jason Dean" in the hit show Charmed. In 2006, he appeared as handsome "Dr. Mark Sloan", the plastic surgeon on the show Grey's Anatomy.
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