James Marsden
Born: Sep 18, 1973
James was born on September 18, 1973, in Stillwater, Oklahoma as one of four children. He has one sister and two brothers. He has since moved out to Los Angeles to be closer to "Hollywood." Before leaving, though, he attended Oklahoma State University, where he was a member of the Delta Tau Delta fraternity and sang in his college choir. However, school didn't hold his interest and he dropped out in 1993 to pursue his acting career. While he didn't stay on either _"Party of Five" (1994)_ (qv) or _"Second Noah" (1996)_ (qv) for long ('Jeremy London' (qv) took over the role of Griffin on _"Party of Five" (1994)_ (qv) after the first season, and _"Second Noah" (1996)_ (qv) was cancelled), things didn't really slow down too much for James. In fact, before long he was receiving movie offers and starred in _Disturbing Behavior (1998)_ (qv), a horror film which also starred 'Katie Holmes' (qv). The film brought in some of the audience that _I Know What You Did Last Summer (1997)_ (qv) and _Scream (1996)_ (qv) had brought the summers before, but it was widely seen as a disappointment and a sign that the teen horror/thriller genre was on the way out. The less than stellar reception of _Disturbing Behavior (1998)_ (qv) put a slight damper on James' career, but he rebounded, popping up in theaters again almost two years later in _Gossip (2000/I)_ (qv) and marr...[MORE]
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