Jim Carrey
Born: Jan 17, 1962
The youngest of four children born to Percy (an accountant and
aspiring jazz saxophonist) and Kathleen, Jim Carrey was an
incurable extrovert from day one. As a child he performed
constantly, for anyone who would watch, and even mailed his résumé
to _"Carol Burnett Show, The" (1967)_ (qv) at age 10. In junior
high he was granted a few precious minutes at the end of each
school day to do stand-up routines for his classmates (provided, of
course, that he kept a lid on it the rest of the day). Carrey's
early adolescence took a turn for the tragic, however, when the
family was forced to relocate from their cozy Toronto suburb to the
industrial town of Scarborough. They all took security and
janitorial jobs in the Titan Wheels factory, Jim working 8-hour
shifts after school let out (not surprisingly, his grades and
morale both suffered). When they finally deserted the factory, the
family lived out of a Volkswagen camper van until they could return
to Toronto.
click here to see him in action