Josh Charles
Born: Sep 15, 1971
Josh Charles is considered one of the "brat pack" of the
'90s, an X-generation actor who got his start with
Ethan Hawke in 1989's Dead Poets Society (1989). He
has been cast in "sensitive" roles, first as shy, love-struck
Knox Overstreet in Dead Poets Society, then as a comic, troubled
youth in Crossing the Bridge (1992) ('92) and finally as a
"sexually ambivalent" college student in this year's Threesome.
Charles was born and raised in Baltimore where his father is
partner is a prominent advertising firm and his mother an advice
columnist. His parents divorced in 1982. Although baseball is a
passion he considered pursuing professionally, Charles began
stand-up comedy at age 8 and honed his acting skills for four
summers at the Stagedoor Manor in the Catskills. In 1987, he
ed in John Water's Hairspray and has pursued his film career
full-time since then. Perhaps one reason why this handsome actor
has not splashed Hollywood with six films this year like his
Threesome co-star and fellow x-generation buddy
Stephen Baldwin is because he is selective in the projects
he pursues. "It's like the Tom Waits song", he says. "I'd
rather be a success on my own terms that a failure on somebody
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