Leonard Whiting
Born: Jun 30, 1950
Born and raised in London, England, Leonard began his career as a performer by a series of coincidences. At the tender age of fourteen, Leonard ageed to fill in for an ailing singer-friend of his guitarist/electrician uncle at a recording session. An agent in attendance mentioned to Leonard that the show "Oliver" was always looking for young replacements, as labor laws only allowed minors to appear for nine months at a time. A few weeks later, Leonard Whiting had his first professional role, playing The Artful Dodger. While still in school, Leonard joined England's National Theater, taking a part in a touring compny of "Love For Love." This show earned him several weeks in Moscow and Berlin in addition to his salary of twelve pounds a week. At age seventeen, Leonard won the role of a lifetime, Romeo in Franco Zefferelli's hugely successful production of "Romeo and Juliet." Plucked from obscurity, Leonard became an overnight sensation and an instant teen idol.
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