Marilyn Manson
Born: Jan 5, 1969
Marilyn Manson, whose real name is Brian Hugh Warner, was born in Canton, Ohio, USA. After he graduated from high school, he and his parents moved to Fort Lauderdale, Florida. He studied journalism and theater at the local community college called Broward, he wrote poems and short stories. He became entertainment journalist for a local magazine. He interviewed several famous musicians including Trent Reznor from the band Nine Inch Nails. Along with his job and writing, he would also frequently go to rock clubs. He soon decided to create his own band. With musical influences from Ozzy Osbourne and KISS, he recruited other musicians with the same interests and started the band called Marilyn Manson and the Spooky Kids. He got the name Marilyn Manson as a combination from the names of the movie star Marilyn Monroe and the psycho killer Charles Manson. The band's name would later officially change to just Mariyn Manson, and most of the original band members would leave and be replaced, too. Manson reunited with Trent Reznor and had his band tour with Nine Inch Nails. Reznor would also produce Marilyn Manson's first three albums (Portriat of an American Family, AntiChrist Superstar, and Mechanical Animals) and an E.P. (Smells like Children). Mechanical Animals is Marilyn Manson's most successful album to date.
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